Sunday, March 13, 2011

More answers

When you go to the grocery store, what is that one treat you have to avoid walking by?
I thought about this one the other day and didn't know what the answer was, then I went to the grocery store and realized the answer is "chips".  I am not a big fan of candy and store baked goods, but salt is my thing so chips are definitely the hardest thing for me to pass by.  I walked down the chip aisle yesterday and didn't even look at the chips as I went by them.  I just walked through as quickly as I could.

Name 3-5 things you consider "extras" for yourself.  Things that you always want, but feel like they aren't a necessity and tend to get swept under the rug when your kids go through a growth spurt and suddenly need 5 new pairs of pants.
This would have to be anything in the "pampering" category--pedicures, manicures, facials, now even hair highlights.  Also, new technology items, particularly a printer/scanner/fax machine.  Our printer is eons old, but it works and thus it hasn't been replaced with a new all-in-one model yet and won't be until it completely dies or my kids stop growing (I'm not sure which one will come first).  Home decorations would also fit in this category,  I went nearly a year-and-a-half without anything on my new large kitchen wall but finally broke down and fixed that.  I've also wanted a small kitchen cabinet that will also go on that same wall in the kitchen, but it's a definite "extra" and will be safe at the store until I have money burning a hole in my wallet.

What is your idea of a romantic date?
Anything my husband plans with me in mind (knowing what I would want to do without asking).  This would include taking care of the kids' needs so I wouldn't have to worry about that and then whisking me off for a night together.  Overnight away would be even better!

Well, that's what I've got.  Now I'd like your answers, Jeri Dawn, and anyone else who would like to participate.  I also want to know:

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?  What would you want to do there?  Where would you recommend someone visit and what would you tell them to do there?

1 comment:

  1. I think it took me a half hour to catch up on all your blog posts! Thanks for the answers! Love it!
